My Gran's tart recipes. First up we have the South African classic, Milk Tart.

Ever since I can remember my gran has been baking treats, not just for us but for everyone in her life. My gran’s name is Annette but everyone calls her Nettie. And yes, I was named after this magnificent woman. I grew up watching my gran cook and she would often involve me in the process but I still do not know how to make her famous desserts. So I thought that it is about time that I learn how to make them. My gran learnt how to bake from her own mother and has been making these specific tarts since she was a teenager. Over the years she has modified some of the recipes and put her own spin on some South African classics.
First up we have Melktert, which directly translates to Milk Tart. This tart is a traditional Afrikaans and South African dessert that was first made when Dutch settlers came to South Africa. It’s pretty simple to make and uses everyday ingredients like milk, butter and sugar.
So as a lot of us are currently at home and looking for things to do to keep us busy, why not try and make this tart? In order to make this tart you will need to make a crust and a filling. This crust is extremely easy to make and it is so versatile and can be used for different tarts or savoury dishes like quiche or cottage pie.
This recipe makes 1 crust and 1 milk tart filling. If you need or want to make more just double the recipe. You can freeze this crust for up to a month. After you’ve baked it make sure that it is completely cool and store it in an airtight container before freezing. When you are ready to use it, just take it out and make sure that it is completely defrosted before you add your filling.
Crust Ingredients:
1 cup Self Raising Flour
1/4 cup Sugar
1 Large Egg
1 Tablespoon cold water
60 ml or 1/4 cup Butter (You want your butter to be at room temperature)
Pinch of salt
Crust Instructions:
1. Preheat your oven to 180 Celsius. Mix sugar and butter until it is creamy and well combined.
2. Add the egg and salt and mix until it is all incorporated. Then add the flour. Add in one tablespoon of water if your dough is too dry. Your dough should be able to make a ball but not dry enough to be rolled out with a rolling pin.
3. Place the dough into your pie tin and press flat with your fingers. Spread the dough as thin as possible and make sure that it goes all the way up the rim of the dish. (Your dish needs to be at least 15-20 cm)
4. Once you have spread the dough it's time to bake. Bake for 10-15 minutes until the edges are light brown. Keep an eye on your dough as you do not want it to brown too much. Once it's cooked let it cool before you add your filling.

Filling Ingredients:
500 ml Full Cream Milk
3 Tablespoons Flour
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch or Cornflour
1/4 Cup White Sugar
2 large eggs
1 Tablespoon Butter
Cinnamon Sugar (Just mix cinnamon with white sugar)
Filling Instructions:
1. Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius. Add 350 of milk, 1/4 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of butter to a saucepan. Place the saucepan on the stove and heat up the milk mixture until the butter has melted. You want your stove top at a medium heat.
2. While the butter is melting separate the eggs and keep the eggs whites aside for later. Add the remaining 150 ml of milk, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon corn flour and 3 tablespoons flour to a mixing bowl and mix until combined.
4. Once the butter has melted, add the flour and egg mixture to the saucepan. Remember to stir continuously as you do not want it to form clumps or burn. The mixture will start to thicken. You want your milk mixture to form a custard and be thick and smooth.
5. While the mixture is thickening, add the egg whites to a mixing bowl and one tablespoon of sugar, mix until you have stiff peaks. If you do not have a kitchen aid, you can mix the egg whites into stiff peaks before you heat up your milk mixture as you do not want it to burn.
6. Once your mixture is thick enough remove it from the stove and fold in the egg whites.
7. Once everything is incorporated you can pour the filling into your pre-baked crust.
8. Then sprinkle your cinnamon and sugar mixture over the top of the tart.
9. Bake the tart for 7-10 minutes or until the sugar has melted. Leave to cool and do not cover the tart or put it in the fridge until it has completely cooled. Serve chilled.
Let me know if you try this recipe in the comments below. Please click the link below to see the video of my gran and I making this tart. Please like this post and head over to my Instagram to see more of my travels and food adventures.